Cantonese Opera: A Timeless Symphony of Tradition and Artistry

Cantonese Opera: A Timeless Symphony of Tradition and Artistry

Cantonese Opera, also known as "Guangdong Opera" or "Da Xi," is one of the traditional operatic forms popular in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces, as well as in Hong Kong, Macau, and overseas Chines...
Harmony with Nature, Life through Time: An Introduction to the 24 Solar Terms

Harmony with Nature, Life through Time: An Introduction to the 24 Solar Terms

Introduction: The "24 Solar Terms" is a knowledge system and social practice developed by the Chinese through observing the annual movement of the sun. This system reflects the changes in seasons, ...
The Art of Xuan Paper: A Journey Through Traditional Handmade Paper Crafting

The Art of Xuan Paper: A Journey Through Traditional Handmade Paper Crafting

Xuan paper, also known as rice paper, is a distinguished representative among traditional handmade paper products in China. Originating from Jing County in Anhui Province, Xuan paper is crafted usi...
The Art and Craftsmanship of Fragrant Cloud Silk (Xiangyunsha): A Historical Craft

The Art and Craftsmanship of Fragrant Cloud Silk (Xiangyunsha): A Historical Craft

The production process of Fragrant Cloud Silk, known as Xiangyunsha, is a time-honored and intricate traditional craft, renowned for its meticulous and refined techniques. The dyeing and finishing ...
What is Canton Embroidery

What is Canton Embroidery? A Comprehensive Cultural Guide

Guangdong (Canton), a bustling port city located on the southern coast of China, has long been a hub for trade and cultural exchange. Beyond its expansive markets and bustling docks, Guangzhou is ...
Nanjing Yun Brocade: A Jewel in Chinese Silk Craftsmanship

Nanjing Yun Brocade: A Jewel in Chinese Silk Craftsmanship

Nanjing Yun Brocade, a designated Geographical Indication product of China and renowned as "Inch of Brocade, Inch of Gold," boasts a rich history dating back to the 13th year of the Eastern Jin Dyn...
Brocade in the Tang Dynasty: A Symphony of Colorful Elegance

Brocade in the Tang Dynasty: A Symphony of Colorful Elegance

Brocade, a multi-colored silk fabric woven with two or more colored silk threads (now known as satin weave), is renowned for its substantial texture and vibrant beauty within the realm of silk. In ...
Cultural Heritage Inheritance Sharing | Song Brocade

Cultural Heritage Inheritance Sharing | Song Brocade

Song Brocade, one of China's traditional silk crafts, is also known as 'Suzhou Song Brocade' due to its main production area in Suzhou. Renowned for its splendid colors, exquisite patterns, and sof...
Chinese Culture| Traditional Gift-Giving Customs in China

Culture chinoise| Les coutumes traditionnelles des cadeaux en Chine

Les cadeaux culturels chinois constituent une partie importante du patrimoine et de la culture chinoise. Les cadeaux traditionnels chinois incarnent des siècles d’importance culturelle, reflétan...
What Makes Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage So Irresistible to Global Audiences?

Qu’est-ce qui rend le patrimoine culturel immatériel chinois si irrésistible pour le public mondial ?

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce qui rend le patrimoine culturel immatériel (PCI) chinois si captivant pour les peuples du monde entier ? S'agit-il des couleurs vibrantes des costumes traditionnels,...
Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Embroidery: The Fusion of Tradition and Innovation

Broderie du patrimoine culturel immatériel chinois : la fusion de la tradition et de l'innovation

La broderie est un métier délicat qui consiste à coudre des fils de soie ou de coton sur des textiles pour créer des motifs et des images exquis. Cette technique a une longue histoire en Chine et e...
Hand Embroidery vs. Machine Embroidery: Contrasting Traditional Craftsmanship with Modern Technology

Hand Embroidery vs. Machine Embroidery: Contrasting Traditional Craftsmanship with Modern Technology

Hand embroidery and machine embroidery represent the two extremes of the embroidery art field, showcasing the contrast between traditional craftsmanship and modern technology. Each method possesses...
Cultural Heritage Inheritance Sharing | Embroidery

Partage du patrimoine culturel | Broderie

Comment la broderie s’intègre-t-elle au présent et fait-elle partie de notre quotidien ? La broderie traditionnelle a repoussé à l’extrême les limites des variations de lignes et des textures de co...
Unveiling the Artistry: The Enchanting Process of Chinese Canton Embroidery

Dévoilement du talent artistique : le processus enchanteur de la broderie de canton chinoise

Introduction Dans le domaine des beaux-arts et de l’artisanat, il existe peu de traditions aussi complexes et captivantes que la broderie chinoise de Canton. Cette forme d'art séculaire, originaire...
What Makes Fragrant Cloud Silk So Enchanting?

Qu’est-ce qui rend Xiangyunsha si enchanteur ?

Introduction Avez-vous déjà entendu parler du Xiangyunsha , le tissu exquis et enchanteur venu de Chine ? Sinon, vous allez vous régaler ! Dans ce blog, nous plongerons dans le monde fascinant de ...

Style Tips

7 Best Mini Bags in 2024: Style Compact, Big Impact

7 Best Mini Bags in 2024: Style Compact, Big Impact

Although mini bags are compact for many items, their stylish and versatile designs have made them become a must-have accessories when it comes to fashion. However, you may have trouble choosing a m...
How to Wear a Crossbody Bag? Full Tips and Tricks in 2024

How to Wear a Crossbody Bag? Full Tips and Tricks in 2024

It may be the first step to figuring out how to wear a crossbody bag to catch up with fashion trends or develop your own style. As one of the essential fashion items in daily life, crossbody bags...

Latest News

Cultural Exchanges Between China and European Countries

Échanges culturels entre la Chine et les pays européens

Dans le contexte actuel de mondialisation, le patrimoine culturel est devenu une mission commune à tous les pays. En tant qu'héritiers du patrimoine culturel immatériel de la broderie cantonale, no...
Embroidering Cultural Bridges: Meet Wang Xinyuan, China's Embroidery Maestro and Cultural Ambassador

Broder des ponts culturels : rencontrez Wang Xinyuan, maître de la broderie et ambassadeur culturel de Chine

Dans le monde de la broderie traditionnelle chinoise, il existe un maître artisan dont le travail représente non seulement le summum du savoir-faire, mais sert également de pont reliant les culture...

Social Commitment

Collaborative Effort to Support Rural Revitalization

Collaborative Effort to Support Rural Revitalization

SinoCultural's philanthropic activities have always been more than just a corporate social responsibility; they represent a beneficial endeavor towards the preservation and innovation of traditiona...
SinoCultural's Campus Heritage Education

SinoCultural's Campus Heritage Education

SinoCultural is enthusiastic about public welfare, goes deep into campus, and joins hands with intangible cultural heritage to reach thousands of households. We provide free intangible cultural her...
SinoCultural's International Cultural Exchange

SinoCultural's International Cultural Exchange

SinoCultural not only focuses on domestic initiatives but actively engages in international cultural exchange, striving to convey the profound richness of Chinese culture worldwide while learning a...

Lifestyle & Culture

Cantonese Opera: A Timeless Symphony of Tradition and Artistry

Cantonese Opera: A Timeless Symphony of Tradition and Artistry

Cantonese Opera, also known as "Guangdong Opera" or "Da Xi," is one of the traditional operatic forms popular in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces, as well as in Hong Kong, Macau, and overseas Chines...
Harmony with Nature, Life through Time: An Introduction to the 24 Solar Terms

Harmony with Nature, Life through Time: An Introduction to the 24 Solar Terms

Introduction: The "24 Solar Terms" is a knowledge system and social practice developed by the Chinese through observing the annual movement of the sun. This system reflects the changes in seasons, ...
The Art of Xuan Paper: A Journey Through Traditional Handmade Paper Crafting

The Art of Xuan Paper: A Journey Through Traditional Handmade Paper Crafting

Xuan paper, also known as rice paper, is a distinguished representative among traditional handmade paper products in China. Originating from Jing County in Anhui Province, Xuan paper is crafted usi...