Simple methods for identifying real silk fabric:

  1. Visual Inspection: Examine the fabric's sheen for a soft and bright appearance, check for even and vibrant colors without variations or discrepancies. Look for any pulled threads, and inspect for defects like broken warp or missing weft.
  2. Touch: Feel if the fabric is soft and smooth, check for any dragging sensation when rubbing the silk. If these sensations are absent, it may not be real silk.
  3. Friction: Dry real silk, when rubbed against each other, produces a crisp sound known as "silk rustle." If there is no rustling sound, it may be synthetic fabric instead of real silk.
  4. Burning: Extract a strand of silk yarn from the fabric's edge and ignite it with a match. Real silk burns slowly, curls into a ball, emits an odor similar to burning hair or feathers, and leaves behind a blackish-brown powdery residue upon touching. The burning ceases once the silk is removed from the flame.