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يتعلم أكثر
Master of Cantonese Embroidery: Xinyuan Wang

Master of Cantonese Embroidery: Xinyuan Wang(王新元)

Xinyuan Wang, was born in 1982 in Wuning County, Jiangxi Province, inherited from Liang Guoxing and Yuzhen- Wu, the renowed master couple of Cantonese embroidery (Yue embroidery), have been devoted...
Ivory Carving(Ya Diao 牙雕) Master: Minhui Zhang(张民辉)

Ivory Carving(Ya Diao 牙雕) Master: Minhui Zhang(张民辉)

Zhang Minhui is the first leading figure in folk crafts in Guangdong and a national representative inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage ivory carving project. Guangzhou Ivory carving belon...